13 August, 2012

Port Angeles, WA to Neah Bay, WA

Monday 8/13/2012 - Port Angeles, WA to Neah Bay, WA

The weather called for 10 knots of headwind in the morning through the Strait of Juan de Fuca, picking up to 15 to 20 in the evening  We decided to get an early start from Port Angeles and left before dawn. As we headed out of the harbor, we came into fog and light winds.  By mid-morning the swell and the wind picked up - rain was added to the mix. Bliss was getting pounded and we took water over the bow several times.  One of the hits to the bow loosened the anchor and we could see that it was no longer tight on the windlass.  Fortunately, we had secured the anchor chain with some line before we left the dock.  We snugged up the anchor with the cockpit controls and kept and eye on it the rest of the trip.  The wind increased throughout the day.  We managed to make it into Neah Bay by late afternoon, just as the winds hit 25 knots.  There was no repose from the wind as we entered Neah Bay. We called ahead to make sure there was a slip available and there was. The dock was filled with trash and covered with seagull poo.  The stink that we remembered from the first stay almost two years ago was alive and well.  We paid for the slip and prepared for our journey off the coast.  The weather forecast for our trip was not ideal, but it wasn't anything to be concerned about.  We were so grateful for the long range Wi-Fi antenna, which allowed us to check weather and emails throughout our trip.