12 August, 2012

Garrison Bay, WA to Port Angeles, WA

Sunday 8/12/2012 - Garrison Bay, WA to Port Angeles, WA

We left Garrison Bay at dawn and during low tide. Leaving a shallow anchorage during low tide and at dawn was starting to feel like a trend. To get to Port Angeles we needed to cross through Haro Strait - Orca country! We both had our eyes peeled for whales, but didn't see any.  Regardless, it was a beautiful day, and we had calm seas through Haro Strait and the eastern part of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  We called ahead to make a reservation at Port Angeles Boat Haven.  They said they had plenty of room. We arrived in early afternoon so we had ample time to prepare the boat.  We washed, dried and stowed the dinghy.  We were ready for our transit through the Strait of Juan de Fuca next day.